Scientific Degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences
Academic Status: Senior Researcher
Position: Head of Department
Contacts: Georgy Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering (PIMEE) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 15, General Naumov St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03164
tel. +38 (044) 424-91-63
e-mail: serhii.hilgurt@pimee.ua


Participation in international scientific projects:

  • ALIOT project of Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Participation in scientific and public organizations:

  • member of the Academic Council of PIMEE of the NAS of Ukraine;
  • member of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.185.01 of PIMEE of the NAS of Ukraine;
  • system administrator of the computing cluster of PIMEE of the NAS of Ukraine;
  • security administrator of the GRID site UA-PIMEE of Ukrainian National Grid and European Grid Infrastructure;
  • administrator of the Virtual Organization “Mathematical modelling of energy problems” (VO MatModEn).


  • Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, Engineer Diploma, specialty “Electronic computing machines”, qualification “System-technician Engineer” (1981-1986);
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty – 05.13.13 “Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks”. Thesis topic: “Development of computer-based technical means for diagnostics and testing electronic devices using spectrum conversions” (1990);
  • Senior researcher, specialty – 05.13.05 “Computer systems and parts” (2015);
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty – 05.13.05 “Computer systems and parts” Thesis topic: “Methods and techniques for creating reconfigurable signature-based security tools for computer systems and networks” (2021).

Scientific interests:

  • methods of creating reconfigurable HPC devices based on FPGAs;
  • methods of creating reconfigurable signature-based tools for computer and network security;
  • methods of centralized synthesis and programming of reconfigurable means using distributed and high-performance platforms;
  • modeling and analysis of information security for cyber-physical systems and critical infrastructure objects.

Awards, honors, grants:

  • Laureate of the Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists and students of higher educational institutions for the best scientific works (1992).
